2010 has been a fair year as far as gardening goes. Seemed like we had wet spells followed by dry spells and very little "just right". We have a lot of great ideas for next year if we can just remember them next spring! The orchard trees seem to be doing okay, we just need patience at this point.
A wild persimmon that came up in the front yard produced well this year.
Our tomatoes well after their prime.

One of our pitiful little gala apples. They tasted great, but our apple trees have had trouble with fungus.
These are a few "Caroline" raspberries from starts that our friend, Walt, gave us. We only got enough for a tempting taste this year, but hopefully next year we will get more.
One of our nectarine trees. We didn't get anything from this tree this year, but one of our peach trees did yield a few delicious peaches.


You two have green thumbs, no doubt about it!