Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Taste of Costa Rica

We spent 10 days in Costa Rica. These are just a few highlights.
Coffee Plantation

I guess that's why they call it a rainforest.

La Paz Waterfall


Zancudo Town (Spanish for Mosquito... no kidding)

Beans and rice with breakfast in Zancudo

Beautiful beach in Zancudo

Into the Jungle

Howler Monkey (Eat your heart out Sam)

Morpho on Cocoa tree

Out of the jungle and back onto the beach

A dry place to sit

Flight back to San Jose

Canopy zipline tour

New Friends

Brandon (5) and Nate (2) are staying with us for a while.
We are having a great time learning from each other on the farm.
Brandon was up at 5:00 am for his first day of Kindergarten.

Nate and Brandon both love to be outdoors.

Nate is very fond of spaghetti.

Brandon's favorite is cereal.