The hearth begins

The pipe install (inside)

The pipe install (outside)

Ready for fire
The hearth begins
The pipe install (inside)
The pipe install (outside)
Ready for fire
The Guest of Honor
So much food!
Some Pickers
Katie and Nate
Brandon and Nate
I just wish I had taken more pictures. If you attended and have any pictures to share, please send.
I guess that's why they call it a rainforest.
La Paz Waterfall
Zancudo Town (Spanish for Mosquito... no kidding)
Beans and rice with breakfast in Zancudo
Beautiful beach in Zancudo
Into the Jungle
Howler Monkey (Eat your heart out Sam)
Morpho on Cocoa tree
Out of the jungle and back onto the beach
A dry place to sit
Flight back to San Jose
Canopy zipline tour
275 gallons of rain saving splendor... now all we need is some rain!
More details were requested. We obtained what is refered to in industry as a tote from a local ink factory. It once contained acrylic ink so after thorough rinsing it is fine for water for the garden. We were put on the track of this beauty by a local pig farmer who has half a dozen put to as many uses.
Gang-plank door gives free access to gather bugs during the day and security at night
The coop is built from 2x2's that we ripped on the table saw from 2x24's that were milled in Waxhaw from the dead yellow pine that Matthew cut down in our yard in Charlotte last winter.
At the mill
They haven't shown much interest in vegetable scraps but they did like the watermellon rind I tossed them last night. No 'oinking' yet. They bark like dogs!
1 Month Later 6/23/08
One month later Bar and B-Que have rooted out the future garden and are loving the muddy hole they have left behind. I know the mud is healthy for them... but ugh!Three Days
Three Weeks
The Chicks are three weeks old and have doubled in size. Notice the striped wing feathers coming in. They have graduated from the kitchen to the basement- thank goodness. Three more weeks and they can go outside.
Matthew has started a new job in Hickory and I obtained permission to work from home four days a week so we have now moved to our farm in Morganton, North Carolina.
Thank you to everone who helped us out with packing and moving.
There is so much to do and we are very excited.
Come and visit, but be warned. There are fences to build!